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Ñukanchikmi kanchi - kaypimi kanchi We are - here we are

Yachay Wasipi kawsaykunata mikuykunapash sinchiyachinkapakmi wiñarishkanchik.

The Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe "Yachay Wasi" is an educational institution "fiscal misional" (fiscal and missionary from our Andean spirituality) with students from 1st to 7th grade of the SEIB Intercultural Bilingual Education System, founded to strengthen the peoples and indigenous nationalities of Ecuador, both in Community Education and Intercultural Bilingual Kichwa-Spanish Education.




Offer our students a bilingual intercultural education with linguistic, cultural and ecological justice relevance to the Andes, in order to invigorate the Kichwa knowledge of the original peoples of these lands, in combination with contemporary knowledge, recovering respect for all expressions of human and natural life and deities.



For the year 2019, The C.E.C.I.B. "Yachay Wasi" seeks the affirmation of the Kichwa language, of bioculture in children, youth and families, invigorating local knowledge and the culture of their respective communities, in accordance with the notions of time and space of the Andean worldview, and in balanced dialogue with modern western knowledge.



Financing: From the Ecuadorian State, the CECIB Yachay Wasi receives three fiscal teachers, CNT internet service, and PAE school meals. The F. PAKARINKA SISARI (non-profit organization) is in charge of hiring three teachers, for which it receives pensions of $ 35.00 for each student, however, the majority of indigenous migrant mothers are of scarce economic resources and not can cover this value, so the Pakarinka Sisari Foundation seeks ways to collect funds to continue with this educational work of the CECIB Yachay Wasi.



In the 1990s, after the glorious indigenous uprising, we proposed a community education, based on the values ​​and wisdom of indigenous peasants, and respectful of mother earth. Despite the mobilizations and uprisings, discrimination continued to be too strong in the city of Quito, the capital of Ecuador. We (Laura Santillán Santillán and Fernando Chimba Simba) did not want to put our children in a Hispanic school in which they were marginalized, mistreated, beaten, or discriminated against for thinking, living differently, and for being indigenous. So, we decided to educate ourselves. This dream was joined by several indigenous migrant colleagues who had the same sentiment, and that is how in 1999 we created Yachay Wasi with three indigenous students from Otavalo and Chimborazo (Jumandi, Margarita and Mercy). In the following years, my other son and daughter (Sinchi and Nina) and other fellow migrants joined as well. In 2001 we legalized the school with 30 students, who were indigenous children from migrant families who dreamed of strengthening their indigenous peasant culture without denying the contemporary, but especially not detaching ourselves from our mother earth or Pachamamita, so the upbringing of the chakra Biodiverse school is an obligation in our educational space.


We are passionate teachers in the bio-cultural mediation (Human - Nature) of the Intercultural Bilingual Education System S.E.I.B. with cultural relevance and ecological justice.


Laura Santillán Santillán

- Lider Institucional del C.E.C.I.B Yachay Wasi
- Fundadora del Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingue Yachay Wasi en la ciudad de Quito.

- Profesora de educación intercultural bilingue Kichwa - Castellano.

- Licenciada en supervisión y administración educativa.

- Diplomado en Educación Intercultural con Desarollo Sustentable.

- Enfermera auxiliar.

- Nivel de idioma kichwa C2

- Nivel de idioma castellano C2

- Nivel de idioma ingles B2

- Campesina indígena de la Comunidad Agato, Pueblo Otavalo, nacionalidad Kichwa.

- Docente mediadora cultural entre andino ancestral y modernidad.

- Pionera en construcción, elaboración del instumento curricular "Calendario Ritual Agrofestivo.

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Ileana Soto Andrade

Fernando Chimba Simba

-Directora del CECIB "Yachay Wasi".

- Magister en Docencia Universitaria e Investigación Educativa, 2018. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, PUCE

 - Licenciada en Lingüística Aplicada, 1980. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, PUCE: 

- Maestría en Investigación y Docencia de la Comunicación. PUCE, 19971999. Egresada.


- Pedagogía Intercultural. Convenio Universidad de Linköping, SueciaUniversidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito. 1998-2004


- Experiencia Laboral:

- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, profesora principal en las Escuelas de Lingüística, Lenguas, y Antropología, desde 1976 hasta diciembre 2013.


- Proyecto de Educación Bilingüe Intercultural, EBI: especialista en elaboración de textos y guías para maestros, en el área de castellano como segunda lengua, de 1990 a 1992.


- Programa Nacional de Educación Bilingüe Intercultural del Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala. Asistente Técnica Internacional para la revisión de los libros de texto de preprimaria a cuarto grado, 1993-1994. 

- Profesor de educación intercultural bilingüe.

- Licenciado en Supervisión y Administración Educativa.

- Experto en construcción y elaboración del instrumento curricular "Calendario Agrofestivo Ritual Astronómico andino amazónica.

- Mediador cultural.

- Campesino/urbano indígena de la Comunidad Tañiloma- Salache, Pueblo Pantzaleo, Nacionalidad Kichwa.

- Diploma en Terapeuta Andino - hampi kamayuq.

- Estudiante de Diplomatura en Educación Intercultural y Biodiversidad Andino Amazónico"


Ninari Chimba Santillan

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Edelina Ortiz Imbaquingo

- Magister en Educación para la Justicia Social en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

- Licenciada en educación con mención en música, lenguaje y movimiento en la  Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador    
- Profesora de Kichwa.

- Estudios primarios: CECIB Yachay Wasi Quito.

- Bachiller en: Unico en Ciencias.
-Música y terapista de lenguaje

Ex Estudiante del conservatorio nacional - especialidad: canto.

- Egresada del conservatorio Jaime Mola

- Especialidad: guitarra.

Licenciada en Educación Intercultural Bilingue en la Universidad Salesiana.

Maestrante en la Universidad Andina.


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